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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Egypt Tourist Sites ( Giza )

Egypt Historical Sites 

Giza City

Rarely mentioning the name of Egypt or occur to an object on the face of the earth without giving Giza coupled with him. The free encyclopedia of encyclopedias of the world's major landmarks detailed Giza, because the roots extend to the dawn of human history, which split the darkness of this world to the approved of this ancient country.
Giza, the cradle of civilization and in the Senior boundaries the first stone buildings of the man stood in the face of the exhaust time. And has written a history of a great nation had a head start in raising the banner of civilization in this planet in the sky when she was human after around
Such as the girl who groping her way to the civil and timid hesitating steps. And extends the province to oases.
Of Giza, Memphis (the village is dead hostage current), which was the capital of ancient Egypt throughout most of the Pharaonic times was the capital of the province's first Lower Egypt and the administrative capital over the age of first and second families (from 3000 BC. M to 2687 BC). As well as in the Old Kingdom (of 2687 s. m to 2191 BC). was founded by King Mina (Narmer) united the two countries and the founder of the first family .


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